08.04.2022 - Magazine

POS displays: logistics takes over display construction, assembly and more

Displays attract the attention of potential customers at the point of sale (POS) and encourage purchases. They offer companies maximum flexibility in product placement in the market and are especially crucial for spontaneous purchases. The eye-catching displays therefore serve as a popular advertising medium in retail. Having a logistics service provider such as Huettemann take care of the assembly and equipping of POS displays directly offers customers a particularly efficient solution – especially if the storage of the products takes place at the same location.

Individual POS displays as sales-promoting advertising media – the logistics behind them

POS-Dis­plays, auch Ver­kaufs­dis­plays ge­nannt, sind Auf­stel­ler am Point of Sale.

What are POS displays?

POS displays, also called sales displays, are stands at the point of sale. In the retail trade, these are equipped with products and are intended to encourage purchases. The displays are usually made of cardboard, corrugated cardboard, carton or plastic. They offer an optimal and flexible solution to position and offer products in addition to the classic retail shelf.

The displays are often located at the entrance, the checkout or at special “nodes” in the store. The presentation of products with the help of individual displays is thus an important sales-promoting instrument at the POS. The smaller counter displays also belong to the POS displays.

Die Auf­stel­ler müs­sen vor der Be­stü­ckung kor­rekt zu­sam­men­ge­setzt wer­den.

Setting up POS displays: logistics provider with full service

The first step in the use of POS displays – after design and display production – is assembly. The display stands must be assembled correctly before they can be fitted. Depending on the number of POS displays, a large storage area is an essential prerequisite for offering this service in order to ensure serial production.

This is why not every logistics company is able to offer service around POS displays in its service portfolio. M+F Spedition, a subsidiary of the Huettemann Group, specialises in this area and has already set up more than 7,000 displays at the Nordhorn site in a single operation. A mark that might be hard to crack even for some POS display manufacturers.

Die Beschäftigten der Lebenshilfe Nordhorn bei der Arbeit

Integration of Lebenshilfe Nordhorn in display construction

In addition to the space, sufficient staff with the appropriate know-how must of course be on hand. Special attention is paid here to the helping hands of Lebenshilfe Nordhorn. Especially when it comes to folding the displays, the people with disabilities provide energetic support and are thus an integral part of our service, the display construction.

Dis­plays kön­nen von Lo­gis­tik­un­ter­neh­men nicht nur vor Ort zu­sam­men­ge­baut, son­dern di­rekt mit Wa­ren aus dem La­ger be­stückt wer­den.

Filling POS displays: Co-packing at the logistics company

Displays can not only be assembled on site by logistics companies, but also directly loaded with goods from the warehouse. This way, customers save costs and time when they outsource warehouse logistics and POS display service to a partner. They receive fully assembled and equipped POS displays directly from the logistics provider, who then takes care of distribution to the retail trade.

At the Toy Distribution Center in Nordhorn, M+F Spedition operates one of the largest toy logistics centres in Europe. Displays are a popular POS solution in the toy business. M + F Spedition therefore offers display assembly, storage of goods and filling of displays, packaging and shipping as well as packaging and more from a single source.

Und weil Huettemann auf maßgeschneiderte Leistungen setzt, zählen auch viele weitere individuelle Mehrwertleistungen zum Service rund um Point of Sale-Displays.
Throughout the group, Huettemann has already run more than 200 promotions for a wide range of customers – from setting up the displays to professional fitting and POS distribution. And because Huettemann focuses on tailor-made services, many other individual value-added services are also part of the Point of Sale display service, for example:

  • Price labelling
  • Configuration of the displays
  • Scheduling of delivery to the stores
  • Transport of the displays

Ne­ben un­se­ren Dienst­leis­tun­gen in der Kon­trakt­lo­gis­tik, wie der Kom­mis­sio­nie­rung oder dem Ver­sand Ih­rer Wa­ren, un­ter­stüt­zen wir Sie mit um­fang­rei­chen VAS.

More than display construction and assembly: Value Added Services

There are companies that specialise exclusively in display solutions. Logistics companies like Huettemann can offer this service just as professionally – and with a decisive advantage: display construction as well as POS display assembly is integrated into the customer’s entire supply chain. This makes the process chain more efficient without compromising on the quality of the display systems.

Learn more about Value Added Services.

Supply Chain Consulting – Jahrzehnte lange Erfahrung

Customised solutions for your sales displays

From the procurement of goods to display construction and placement to transport logistics: as a lead logistics provider, we put together an offer perfectly tailored to your needs.

Request individual advice now.

The following customers have already benefited from our many years of experience in display construction:

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+49 2065 909 111


In the Huettemann Group we bundle our extensive service portfolio for one goal: to find the perfect, customised logistics solution for you. In addition to our global transport and warehouse services, we offer you numerous logistics services along the entire supply chain. In this way, we develop logistics concepts with added value that suit you.


Competent, diverse, high-performance and future-oriented: As a family-run international logistics company with headquarters in Duisburg, we have been turning our passion into a profession for more than 65 years and today, more than ever, we stand for customised logistics solutions along the entire supply chain.


Every industry has its own logistical requirements. As a broadly positioned logistics company, we adapt to the goods flows and wishes of our customers. We go one step further: we become an integral part of your process chain.