Gille-Hermann Jenssen GmbH is our specialist for the building materials business. Around 40 employees work at two locations in building construction, civil engineering and road construction. From Bremen and Vlotho, they primarily serve customers in northern Germany. Services include the delivery of bulk and recycled building materials, power plant supply and disposal, the delivery of hard coal fly ash, and the trade and transport of cement and limestone powder.
More informations here.
Unsere Standorte
Contact data
Gille-Hermann Jenssen GmbH
Michael Ogilvie
Arster Hemm 64
28279 Bremen
Germany - +49 421 84953-0
- m.ogilvie@gille-jenssen.de
Contact data
Gille-Jenssen Baustoffe GmbH
Jörg Prüßner
Wilhelmstraße 7
32602 Vlotho
Germany - +49 5733 963544
- j. pruessner@gille-jenssen.de